TP-Link Gigabit Switch Review - TL-SG1005D - Version 7

Yes folks, this switch is the real deal and is worth every penny spent on it.  I could not be happier with my purchase. The speeds are fast and along with my other gigabit equipment I can use just about all of my 250 gbps download and 250 gbps upload speeds. The inner network speeds are fast as well. Like I said before, I could not be happier with my purchase and I am glad that I did not go with anything else!  It is small, fast and reliable.  It does have link activity LED's and a total of 5 ports (add 4 devices).

Watch the video above to see the full review.

Amazon shown that I was purchasing version 6 and they sent me version 7. I am not complaining about that because version 7 is a newer device and has a few more features. You can purchase this switch on